Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Twitter akuisisi Posterous Space

Twitter akuisisi Posterous Space 
Twitter membeli Posterous Space seharga 10.1 Juta Dollar. Twitter menyatakan setelah melakukukan akuisisi, bahwa tim Posterous Space, seperti para teknisi, insinyur, manajer produk dan lainnya akan segera bergabung menjadi tim Twitter untuk menginisiasi banyak hal yang akan membuat Twitter menjadi lebih bagus. Hal ini dikatakan twitter dalam blognya "Welcoming the Posterous team to the flock".

Posterous Space akan masih berjalan tanpa ada perubahan. Hanya ada beberapa notifikasi kepada para pengguna bahwa mungkin pemilik barunya adalah twitter. Bahkan apabila pengguna mau membackup data atau beralih ke layanan yang lain pun akan diberikan petunjuk-petunjuknya dalam beberapa minggu ke depan. Twitter mengatakan bahwa masih terbuka dengan banyak orang dan masalah akuisisi adalah sarana pemecahan masalah untuk orang dan teknologi yang membuat twitter akan menjadi lebih baik.

Pernyataan Posterous’ :
March 12, 2012 Posterous is Joining the Flock at Twitter

Big news: Posterous has been acquired by Twitter!

The opportunities in front of Twitter are exciting, and we couldn’t be happier about bringing our team’s expertise to a product that reaches hundreds of millions of users around the globe. Plus, the people at Twitter are genuinely nice folks who share our vision for making sharing simpler.
Posterous Spaces will remain up and running without disruption. We’ll give users ample notice if we make any changes to the service. For users who would like to back up their content or move to another service, we’ll share clear instructions for doing so in the coming weeks.
You can find more information answers to other questions you may have here.
Finally, we’d like to offer thanks to all of our users, especially those who have been with Posterous since day one. The last four years have been an amazing journey. Your encouragement, praise and criticism have made us better. Thanks for that. We look forward to building great things for you over at Twitter.
Posting Twitter tentang Posterous:
Today we are welcoming a very talented group from Posterous to Twitter. This team has built an innovative product that makes sharing across the web and mobile devices simple—a goal we share. Posterous engineers, product managers and others will join our teams working on several key initiatives that will make Twitter even better.
Posterous Spaces will remain up and running without disruption. We’ll give users ample notice if we make any changes to the service. For users who would like to back up their content or move to another service, we’ll share clear instructions for doing so in the coming weeks.
We’re always looking for talented people who have the passion and personality to join Twitter. Acquisitions have given us people and technology that have enabled us to more quickly build a better Twitter for you.

Begitulah, sepertinya Twitter akan membeli dan mengakuisisi banyak perusahaan. Selamat kepada Twitter telah berhasil akuisisi Posterous Space.
Judul: Twitter akuisisi Posterous Space ; Ditulis oleh bolosrewu ; Rating Blog: 4.5 dari 5


  1. Strategi perusahaan besar Amerika memang melalui akuisisi, termasuk Twitter yang membeli Posterous.

    1. untung masih mau beli, masih malu kalo mbajak :-)
