Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Eric Salvatierra, Eksekutif PayPal, meninggal di tabrak komuter

Eric Salvatierra, Eksekutif PayPal, meninggal di tabrak komuter

Eksekutif PayPal, sebuah perusahaan pembayaran online, Eric Salvatierra (39), teridentifikasi dari tubuh yang tertabrak kereta api di dekat San Fransisco, Jumat (9/3/2012).

Menurut the San fransisco Chronicle, kejadian ini terjadi pada hari Jumat pagi sekitar jam 9.30. Menurut sumber lain di hari Selasa (13/3/2012), seorang petugas kereta api mengungkapkan Eric berdiri di atas rel utara Menlo Park, sekitar 30 mil dari San Fransisco, California dengan sepeda, ketika kereta menyambarnya.

Belum diketahui mengapa Eric berdiri disana, namun diduga ia memang sudah berencana mengakhiri hidupnya.
Keluarga ayah dari tiga anak perempuan ini, merasa Eric tidak memiliki alasan untuk melakukan itu. Eric dikenal oleh keluarga, teman, dan kerabatnya, sebagai seorang ayah yang menyayangi keluarganya, dan aktif di komunitas Gereja Unitarian Universalis.

"Bagi saya dan bagi kita semua, ini sebuah kehilangan yang luar biasa tak terduga," ujar paman Eric, Oscar Salvatierra.

"Ia adalah seorang individu yang anda tidak akan pernah lihat tampak marah. Saya bangga bagaimana dia menjalani hidup," lanjutnya.

Eric bekerja di PayPal, selama sekitar lima tahun setelah sebelumnya dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan eBay. Sebelum itu ia bekerja untuk Goldman Sachs.

Tidak ada penjelasan dari pihak perusahaan Paypal tentang kematian Eric Salvatierra. The San Fransisco Chronicle menuliskan bahwa kematiannya masih dalam investigasi.

The body of a man hit and killed by a commuter train near San Francisco on Friday has been identified as PayPal executive Eric Salvatierra.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the accident occurred Friday morning around 9:30 a.m. on the tracks near Menlo Park, which is about 30 miles south of San Francisco.

Salvatierra, 39, was a vice president at online payment company PayPal, where he had worked since 2007. Prior to joining PayPal, Salvatierra had worked at eBay, Skype and Goldman Sachs.

He leaves behind a wife and three daughters, reports the San Jose Mercury News.

Salvatierra's uncle Oscar Salvatierra spoke about his nephew to The San Jose Mercury News, noting, "He was really involved with his family. He was a truly great humanitarian -- the way he regarded his fellow man with great respect and great compassion. He was an individual who you would never see visibly upset. I was proud of how he lived life."

According to NBC Bay Area, this is the fourth Caltrain-related fatality this year. In 2011, 16 people were hit and killed by trains on the commuter rail line and in 2010, there were 11 people killed on the Caltrain tracks. An estimated 19 people were killed in 2009, which the New York Times points out was "the highest since 1995, when 20 people died on the tracks."

At the time of this writing funeral services had not been announced and PayPal had not yet made a statement about Salvatierra's death.

The San Francisco Chronicle notes, "His death is under investigation."
Judul: Eric Salvatierra, Eksekutif PayPal, meninggal di tabrak komuter ; Ditulis oleh bolosrewu ; Rating Blog: 4.5 dari 5

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